sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009

Burundi Georges Kanuma :leyes y sexualidades

I would like to know more about the global forum on engaging man and boys
I new about it from Marcello from IGLHRC and I will be in Chicago for a work shop from 22 to 26 March 2009, I wanna take the opportunity to participate in this conference also. I'm a gay activist and work for an HIV/AIDS NGO, specially in a MSM project( Men who have Sex with Men) in my country Burundi wich is very hard now since the parliement voted a law criminalizing same sex act in November 22, 2008.
Please send me information and how to applicate.
best regards
Georges KANUMA
Coordinateur des projets MSM à l'A.N.S.S
(Association National de Soutien aux Séropositifs et aux malades du Sida)
Chairperson de A.R.D.HO
(Association pour le Respect et les Droits des HOmosexuels)
Rohero II, Avenue Bweru N° 4
Tél: +257 79 96 96 14
Bujumbura - BURUNDI

Mail de Georges

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